Showing 1–12 of 18 results

Bulk dried parsley

Bulk dry parsley, a treasure of nature, is a product that has always been of interest due to its unique properties and various uses in cooking and traditional medicine. With its mild yet unique taste, this edible ingredient provides the possibility of adding a pleasant flavor to all kinds of food. Dried parsley has become one of the most popular spices among cooks and health enthusiasts due to its abundance of nutrients and countless health benefits.

dried basil

In today's hectic world, where our lives seek more peace and balance, natural herbs and spices play a key role in restoring our energy and health. Basil, a plant with a pleasant aroma and many healing properties, is one of these gifts of nature that has a special place in traditional medicine and cooking around the world. But dried basil, by keeping its aroma and flavor, makes it possible to use this wonderful plant at any time and place.

Dried chives bulk

 Bulk dry chives are one of the key products in kitchens and food industries, which have received a lot of attention due to their countless benefits. With its pleasant taste and special aroma, this product has been able to find a special place among consumers. Dried chives are a great substitute for fresh chives in all seasons of the year due to the careful drying process and preservation of nutritional value.

dried coriander

Dried coriander is one of the valuable plant species in the world of cooking and medicine, which has found a special place all over the world due to its countless properties and unique taste. Using a drying process, this powerful herb is available to every cook and health enthusiast.

dried dill

Dry dill is one of the best ventilation and continuous ventilation solutions to keep different environments dry and fresh. With advanced technologies and different design, dry dill helps you protect indoor environments from high humidity, bacteria and unpleasant odors.

dried fenugreek

Dry fenugreek is a very useful and practical product that is used as one of the main household and health tools. Due to its unique properties, dry fenugreek has been proposed as an excellent alternative to using ordinary and disposable towels when drying the body after bathing or washing.

بطارخ السمك المجفف

يعتبر بطارخ السمك المجفف أحد الأطباق الإيرانية التقليدية والشعبية، والذي يخلق طعمًا فريدًا وقيمة غذائية باستخدام مواد خام أصلية وفيرة. يُعرف هذا الطبق بأنه مقبلات لذيذة وقيمة مع مزيج من الأسماك الجافة والخضروات الطازجة والتوابل العطرية والمنكهات المختلفة.

توابل المجففة

تعتبر نبتة الجبل المجففة من النباتات الطبية الشهيرة التي تم استخدامها في الطب التقليدي منذ العصور القديمة. يتمتع هذا النبات، المعروف علميًا باسم "Mentha longifolia"، بخصائص فريدة من نوعها، بما في ذلك الطعم والرائحة اللطيفة لهذا النبات، مما يجعله مفيدًا وممتعًا للاستخدام لأغراض مختلفة.